Thoughts are actions

We think. We all think. Throughout each day we think think think.

So what are we thinking?

How much do you think about what you are thinking about? Maybe now you think: I don’t have time to think about what I think about – I’m busy!

All right. We’re all busy. More or less…

Thoughts constantly flow out of us human beings. Thoughts carry vibrations; carry power. They influence the surroundings. We think happy thoughts, sad thoughts, curious thoughts, joking thoughts, kind, loving thoughts, angry thoughts, thoughts about work, thoughts about family, thoughts about weather, thoughts about political processes, thoughts about the past, thoughts about the future…

Thoughts flow out and affect ourselves and our surroundings. We can sometimes feel it when a work mate is in a grumpy mood, as we enter the workplace, and we may feel it when someone is overflowing with joy because of sudden good news.

Thoughts have their effect. What we think matters. When my mind is calm and happy I emanate peaceful, positive vibrations. When something upsets me and I freak out I create a bit of chaos in the atmosphere around me. For our own sake we benefit ourselves when we keep our inner scenery fairly calm and happy.

Now that my life has calmed down I have lots of “free” thinking time. I have been through different phases. Being diagnosed with an illness known to be fatal, I had a period when I tried to use a lot of my free moments to say mantras, affirmations and prayers for healing. I did the healing codes, EFT, and other practices. After doing that for several months – without seeing results – I decided to give myself a break. I knew I had made all that into a job, an obligation. A “should.”

I let myself back off and allow stillness, peace, relaxation – listen to beautiful music, watch the birds picking their snacks at our birdfeeder, watch the sky, watch snowflakes falling… not push myself to “utilize” my time.

At the same time I was aware that it would not serve me to let despair, fear or depression take hold of my mind.

So now I allow myself leisure in my thought realm, but let my mind stay in a good mood – experiencing joy, love, peace, happiness and relaxation. When I feel fear (of death, or becoming totally paralyzed) creeping in, I find a way out of it – visualizing golden rays of love and peace flooding my body and mind; or visualizing pink cascades of love flowing to me. Stuff like that. Nip fear in the bud.


Whatever is our life situation, we serve ourselves well when we stay in a happy, good mood, as a general state of mind.

A common pastime we all indulge in now and then is complaining. Blaming and criticizing other people’s behavior and stupid mistakes brings a certain relief and makes us feel we are smarter – better than him or her: What an idiot! I would never do that! Sure, sometimes we need to point out someone else’s mistake, pass on needed information. But we can do it without dwelling on the issue. Move on from the subject, to something else, hopefully more positive. We can build a habit to focus on creative, fun, harmless and benevolent thoughts and conversations, sending good stuff out into the ether.

Human thoughts lie like a field around the planet. We can send light around the planet with good thoughts. Plus, as we do it, we do ourselves good, too.

 Posted January 3, 2013

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